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IV. Unification

The architectural structure of the project is based on an IDEA, and the form its construction takes is its visual expression. Structure as an expression of associations reflects the contrasts between the various things that exist in the universe. Balancing such contrasts creates harmony, a world of pure numbers.

The project depicts our multidimensional world. It is a simulation of a curved spatiotemporal continuum, indissoluble and indivisible, in a continuous and complex motion; a multidimensional web woven by the needle of time; a journey of self-awareness through the magical world of archetypal symbols.

The project is a type of frieze with four interlocking zones. It is a linear painting (monochromatic, white on a black background), the subject matter of which mainly focuses on archetypal zoomorphic and anthropomorphic symbols.


Means of expression:

IV.  It consists of a metal frame from solid aluminum with dimensions: 2.15m (height) X 2.40m (length), which contains 4 vertical axes with 4 pairs of paintings placed in each axis. The 32 works alternate in pairs (16 pairs in total) in a rotary motion, creating 65,536 variations (two to the power of sixteen 216).

The possible variations of the entire project flow through the interaction of the viewers rotating the works.

The artworks are laser engraved (light amplification with forced radiation emission) on 32 sheets of black anodized aluminum with dimensions: 559 X 400mm.

