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About me

Introduction to my artistic work.

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With my philosophical and scientific interests intertwined – through the music of Mathematics and Art – I attempt to understand and reflect the forces and hidden laws of the world, the divine Harmony and Order.

In my black and white paintings, I process surface linearly: archetypal, zoomorphic, and anthropomorphic symbols constitute the main theme of these works.

By curving and twisting my lines, I attempt to illustrate the additional dimensions of space-time and create an image of a multidimensional world; a curved space-time, continuous, unified, indivisible, locked in a perpetual and complex motion; a multidimensional web, woven using the needle of time; a journey of self-awareness; a magical world of archetypal symbols.



In the paintings where color dominates, my intention remains to combine standard form design and “randomness”.

I use dynamic air pressure instead of a brush to infuse my colors with ‘movement’ and add fluidity to the creative process. I utilize blank space, the receptor of free flow that allows for the project to organize and set itself.

I thus seek to visually “express” the Analogy and Correlation of the macrocosm with the microcosm; to portray Counterpoint as well as the Osmosis of the Chaos and Order of the universe through construction and reconstruction; to show the conversion of matter into energy and vice versa, finally reaching the summit of Creation.


In recent years, alongside painting, I have also been developing installations and “environments” in order to redefine the role of the ‘visitor’, i.e. the spectator-listener, by inviting and challenging them to enter into a reciprocal relationship of conversation and discourse with each ‘creation’.

These installations mainly seek to lay the foundations for a process of re-understanding history and/or myth, memory and/or oblivion, aiming to reconstruct the “lost” identities in relation to ‘our’ past, truth and illusion, the real but also the imaginary-virtual aspects of Art.